While March marked Women’s History Month, we should not forget about it in April. In fact, we should continue to remember contributions women continue to make to American workplaces in light of various forms of discrimination against them.
As a Department of Labor report details, nearly 75 million women take part in American workplaces, including in administrative positions, supervisory roles and executive offices. These details indicate that women comprise nearly half of all U.S. workers. Further, small businesses are one of the greatest beneficiaries, as women are leaders of nearly 10 million businesses, accounting for $1.4 trillion in annual revenue.
So while women have made considerable progress in the workplace over the last two decades, considerable barriers still remain. The “glass ceiling” appears to have not been broken, as fewer than 30 percent of chief executives in major corporations are women.
This should be a reminder that women still make less than their men when it comes to average salaries, and are still subject to sex based discrimination when it comes to hiring and promotions. In 2016, more than 80 percent of the sex discrimination complaints received by the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) involved female complainants.
Should you be a victim of such discrimination, you could be entitled to compensation, including back pay, future pay and emotional distress. An experienced employment law attorney can advise you on the merits of a potential lawsuit and help you make an informed decision on how to proceed.
The preceding is not legal advice.