There are many reasons for termination that are justifiable, while others are completely illegal. All Texas workers have the same rights, regardless of their race, gender, age or other protected characteristics. When a worker is terminated and feels that it is due to workplace discrimination, he or she has the right to pursue legal action.
A former black Bank of America employee believes that she lost her job without just cause. According to her complaint, she excelled at her position and only received positive feedback on her reviews. She claims that all changed after she began to report to a new white male supervisor. The new manager was allegedly conspiring to transfer or fire all of the black female employees who were working at his location.
The plaintiff claims that she was terminated because she had given a directive on a file to another black female who worked under her. The error was caught by another black female who worked in the quality control department. Both women separately approached the plaintiff and told her that their supervisor tried to convince them to say that she had given the directive when they knew that she had not.
It is illegal for Texas employees to be fired due to protected status characteristics. Those who feel that they have been the victims of discrimination may first wish to talk to their employers about the issues and try to resolve them. If no agreeable solutions are reached, the workers may choose to move forward and take legal actions. Based upon evidence of discrimination, the workers may be awarded lost wages, compensatory damages and any other related financial losses under state employment laws.
Source:, “Former employee accuses Bank of America of discrimination“, Annie Cosby, Dec. 19, 2014