Transgender man wins a settlement for his discrimination lawsuit

On Behalf of | Apr 13, 2015 | Employment Disputes |

The first test case of a non-discrimination ordinance apparently failed when it was put to the test by a transgender man. The ordinance was put into effect in San Antonio, Texas. The plaintiff was a former worker for AT&T who alleges that the ordinance did not help prevent the discrimination he endured due to being transgender.

The man claims he overheard his co-workers saying that if they found out that anyone was transgender, they would harm that person. His co-workers eventually discovered the plaintiff was transgender and began to create an allegedly hostile work environment. The plaintiff said that one day when he came into work, he found a symbol on his chair meant to offend him.

The man complained to his managers about the way his co-workers were treating him. Allegedly, his supervisors disregarded his complaints and did nothing to help him. The plaintiff was ultimately terminated. The plaintiff filed a claim under the non-discrimination ordinance, but, according to his lawyer, it really did not do much to help him. An agreeable settlement was finally reached between the two parties for an undisclosed amount.

Texas employees who feel that they are the victims of discrimination based on their protected status can elect to file claims against their employers if their companies do nothing to resolve their issues. Aggrieved workers may receive monetary damages for the stress and emotional strain of the situations they have endured, as well as any other financial remedies deemed appropriate by a civil court. The workers may also be reinstated into their former positions in certain situations if reinstatement is desired.

Source:, “Settlement reached in transgender man’s discrimination case”, Sharon Ko, April 4, 2015


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