Imagine that a person has just discovered that he was turned down for a job interview in Texas, and he is disappointed. However, his disappointment is not in the fact that his skills for the job were subpar. He is disappointed because he has discovered that he didn’t get the job due to his religion. This type of workplace discrimination is increasingly becoming a problem in the American workforce, particularly for Muslim workers, research shows.
Researchers in a study found proof of discrimination against Muslim job candidates in more conservative states. More than 4,000 employers responded to the fictitiously created Facebook accounts of a Muslim candidate and a Christian candidate. The candidates had the same resumes.
In addition, the candidates had the same profile pictures and bore Caucasian-sounding names. More bias, however, was found when the employers discovered that the job candidates appeared to have Muslim beliefs. Specifically in states that were considered more conservative, only 2 percent of the Muslim candidate’s applications led to an invitation for an interview; the figure was 17 percent for the Christian job applicant.
Job candidates must be treated equally during the hiring process, which means that employers cannot discriminate against a potential worker simply because he or she is Muslim. An aspiring employee who feels that he or she has been discriminated against on the basis of religion has the right to file a claim against the employer. The same is true for a job applicant who has been the victim of discrimination based on sex, age or race. Job placement could result from a successful workplace discrimination claim in Texas.
Source:, Muslim job candidates may face greater discrimination, Allen Greenberg, Dec. 2, 2013