All employees in the workplace deserve to be treated fairly regardless of the color of their skin, race, sex, national origin or any other discriminating factors. As much as most people believe that this type of behavior no longer exists, it unfortunately can still occur. If a Texas worker is doing his or her job and is not being treated equally due to discrimination, that employee has the right to speak up about the conditions to help ensure that it will not happen again to other workers at that same place of business.
A Houston construction company is having claims of discrimination brought against it by one of its rig welder employees. The man claims that he started his employment with the company in 2010 and, not long after, he felt he had become the victim of discrimination. He stated that racial comments and slurs were said about him while he was at work.
The comments were not the only complaint that the plaintiff had about his employer. He also alleges that he was not given extra work assignments like the other employees. After he had done his work, he also stated that he was not given his wages when other employees received theirs.
In the man’s discrimination complaint, he is looking to regain his lost wages as well as other miscellaneous costs. Texas employees who feel that they have been the victim of discriminatory behavior can seek to file a claim against their employer. If the claim is successfully navigated, the worker may be awarded back pay as well as compensatory damages.
Source: The Southeast Texas Record, “Catalyst Construction sued over allegations of race discrimination“, Whitney Brakken, April 2, 2014