Helping Women Challenge Discriminatory Pay Practices
As a woman, you get used to putting up with a lot at work. But that doesn’t mean sexual harassment, discrimination or lack of equal pay are okay.
At Warren & Siurek, L.L.P., our attorneys help women make effective legal challenges to all sorts of objectionable behavior by employers. This includes cases in which female employees are being paid less than men for equivalent jobs, in violation of the law.
Call 713-522-0066 or 877-497-0328 to discuss your circumstances. From our office in Houston, we serve clients throughout southeast Texas.
Do You Have A Pay Equity Claim?
When your employer is treating you unfairly in more than one way, you may be unsure about what type of legal claim you could bring.
For example, you may be experiencing sexual harassment, with your employer making unwelcome sexual advances or offensive remarks about gender. Or you could be facing a pervasive pattern of sex discrimination against women in hiring, firing, promotions or other conditions of employment.
With or without grievances such as these, there may be a big gap between what you are paid and what similarly situated men make. If so, you may very well have a claim under the federal Equal Pay Act.
Such pay gaps or disparities are big in many industries in Texas, where women made only 70 cents on the dollar compared to men in 2016. Using decades of experience in employment law, our lawyers can help you identify your legal options to challenge your employer and find the most effective way to move forward.
Get The Help You Need To Know Your Rights
Give us a call to arrange an initial meeting or complete the brief online form.