Texas teacher accuses Islamic school of discrimination

On Behalf of | Nov 1, 2013 | Employment Disputes |

America has long prided itself for its diversity, with people of various backgrounds and religions able to freely practice its beliefs. With global infrastructure facilitating this diversity even further, specialized schools in which people can immerse themselves in their beliefs and thrive in their respective environments have cropped up as a result. One American-born, Texas teacher found out the hard way that one can still be subjected to discrimination even when among others with common beliefs.

A Harris County resident and teacher at the Al-Hadi School of Accelerated Learning alleges that he was terminated because he was too American. The African-American teacher was hired in May 2012 under an annual employment contract that specified that either the employee or employer provide 30 days’ notice in order to terminate the agreement. His official title was lead teacher and coordinator for Islamic, Quranic and Arabic studies.

Despite the aforementioned terms of the agreement, the victim claims he was terminated without warning. He believes that the wholly Middle Eastern organization fired him due to his race and national origin. Further, the organization is said to have harassed him throughout the term of his employment, and accused him of fully understanding some concepts due to the fact that he was American.

The school claims that they fired the teacher due to restructuring, but it was later found, according to the lawsuit, that his replacement was of Middle Eastern descent. A jury trial has been requested, and, if it is found that the Islamic school did in fact fire the employee over national origin, among other claims, there could be substantial penalties to pay. The Texas school would likely be responsible for compensating the apparent victim for back pay, pain and suffering and other undue hardship related to the discrimination claim.

Source: setexasrecord.com, Teacher alleges Islamic school fired him for being ‘too American’, John Suayan, Oct. 25, 2013


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