Tesla once again the subject of a lawsuit

On Behalf of | Nov 15, 2017 | Workplace Discrimination |

Texas residents may be aware of recent lawsuits filed against Uber and other companies on the grounds of gender discrimination and harassment. A recent lawsuit filed against Tesla in Alameda County Superior Court claims that racist behavior was common at its factory in Fremont. The class-action lawsuit represents all black employees that worked there. The employee that filed the suit says that racial slurs were used against him by colleagues and managers.

The man claims that Tesla founder Elon Musk told workers that they should learn how to deal with any discrimination that they may face. In an email, Musk said that as long as an offender apologizes, the offended party should grow a thicker skin and accept the apology. This lawsuit was the second one filed in 2017 that claims the company engages in racial discrimination.

If a worker is called a racial slur, made fun of, or otherwise hears comments directed at him or herself, it may constitute harassment. In some cases, an individual may be harassed even if he or she wasn’t there to hear the comment. Those who believe that they have had their employment rights violated may benefit from speaking with an attorney. It also may be beneficial to speak with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Doing so may make it possible to open an independent investigation into the matter. Evidence that may be used to support the allegation includes direct statements from managers, copies of digital communications or statements from those who witnessed the illegal behavior. Victims also may want to keep detailed records of incidents in which they were harassed or otherwise discriminated against. Depending on the circumstances of the case, if it is successful, workers may collect compensation for back pay and punitive damages.


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